One mother's adventure in negotiating her own crazy while shielding her daughter from the world's crazy…

Toothaches Cause Death. Awesome.

I have really bad teeth. I like to blame this on the fact that I am British. (Well, my dad is, so that makes me, by proxy, right?) And I clench my teeth in my sleep.

Regardless of the reason, let’s just say I know my dentist really well.

So, a few months ago, I finally got all my dental work done, and on the last day they said, “Oh guess what, that tooth that you thought was okay? It actually needs a root canal.” And I, like the fool that I am, decided not to spend the money because it wasn’t really hurting.

Except it is now. Really really badly. Like, bad enough that all I want to do is curl into a little ball and cry. It feels a bit like someone is taking a serrated knife and shoving it right through my gums and into my brain. Then twisting it.

So, I scheduled the root canal. But the dentist can’t see me for two weeks. But that’s cool, right? I can stick it out for two weeks.

Then I found this article. Yup. Somebody died from a toothache. Oh good god. I’m screwed.

So. Awesome. That’s all I have to say.

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