One mother's adventure in negotiating her own crazy while shielding her daughter from the world's crazy…

Hooray for attachment issues! The blog about why I stopped blogging for a while

I get really really uncomfortable when people pay attention to me. My therapist relates this back to my attachment disorder (she’s really good at relating everything back to that) and it has something to do with my fear of screwing up, and a fear of intimacy, and other psycho-social goodness.

So, when my blog stats hit 300 I kind of panicked and ran away from it because I realized it was actually getting read.

But, and I’m sure this also relates back to my attachment issues, I really like to make my life more challenging by taking on tasks that scare the shit out of me and that I’m probably not qualified to do – so, here I am, actively deciding to jump back on the proverbial horse and keep airing my craziness to the vast world of the internets.

Hooray. And here we go.

One response

  1. Karyn @ kloppenmum

    The only way to deal with a problem is to go through it until you get to the other side. Great that you’re back. I promise not to visit too often. 🙂

    May 26, 2011 at 2:59 am

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