One mother's adventure in negotiating her own crazy while shielding her daughter from the world's crazy…

Zombie Easter – an invitation I’m proud of

A few years ago, The Girl was reading a book about Frankenstein’s monster and asked me whether he was the original zombie. I really didn’t know the answer to that – but I knew someone who would: Her dad.

She called him up:

The Girl: Hi Daddy. Who was the original zombie?

The Dad: (without hesitation) Jesus.

Now, technically, I think Lazarus would be the O.Z… but who am I to split hairs? With that bug planted, I knew we needed to celebrate the ultimate zombie holiday.

And so, I just wrote and sent out the following invitation to WAY more people than could possibly fit in my house… Yay! Something to look forward to!


Gratuitous pic of me and friends as zombies

Oh noes! The fancy Easter party got invaded by zombies! Everyone is eternally in their Sunday best!

Come join us to celebrate Zombie Jesus Day.

There will be a prize for the best Zombie Easter food (so bring your favorite traditional dish)
(We’ll be making deviled eggs, jello mold, and cheesecake – let people know in the comments what you’ll bring)

There’ll be an egg dye-ing station (so you can decorate your own fabulous eggs) and they can rise again – as Zombie Eggs!

And also, BYOB(asket) because the Zombie Easter Bunny promised to lay out a rollicking good egg hunt with fabulous prizes!

Children are more than welcome, but please use your discretion as to whether they might get frightened because it is a costume party. If you feel like your child is brave enough, please bring them because The Girl is hoping to have friends there!

You could dress as:
a fancy zombie party-goer
Zombie Jesus
Zombie Easter Bunny
or a victim waiting to happen

We’ll supply a bowl o’ blood if you want to zombify at the party.

Hooray! And Hoppy Zombie Jesus Day.

The Girl, The Friend, Alex

Please feel free to invite other people if you think of them (or if we missed them – my computer-inviting skills = not-so-good) – Remember, more people, more brains!

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